Crash Information Wellington BK340


On March 12, 1943 at 7:12 p.m., the Wellington bomber took off from Disforth airfield in England. The five-man crew aimed to bomb the Krupps factories in the German city of Essen.

The goal was not achieved. On the way there, the bomber was shot down by Leutnant Oskar Köstler’s German night fighter. The plane flew on burning and crashed on the land of the Kranenburg family at 9:58 p.m. Part of the aircraft ended up in a ditch, 100 meters behind the Best family farm. This farm was located on the Westfiese Dijk, about 1.8 kilometers west of Lambertschaag. The land is now a nature reserve. All crew members were able to save themselves with their parachutes. They landed scattered in the Wieringermeerpolder and in West Friesland and were captured by the occupying forces.

Le 15 juin 2024…

Crash information BK340 Lambertschaag

During World War II more than 40 different bombers and jet fighters have crashed within de county borders of Hollands Kroon. The crashes were mostly on land, in the Ijssel lake and the Wadden sea.

Few crew members were arrested after using their parachute to reach the ground, others could flee with the help of the Resistance. However, the majority lost their lives and did not return home safely to their family and loved ones.

Information about the remembrance post
This remembrance post will be unveiled on June 15, 2024

The program for June 15:

1:30 PM: Reception in the Cultuurschuur, Loggersplein 1, Wieringerwerf.

2:00 PM: Word of welcome by our chairman

2:15 PM: Departure with your own transport to the first remembrance post near Zuiderdijkweg 6, Wieringerwerf.

2:30 PM: Ceremony and unveiling of the remembrance post for the Mosquito DZ386

2:45 PM: Departure to the second remembrance post on the Koggenrandweg between house numbers 23 and 24.

3:00 PM: Ceremony and unveiling of the Wellington BK340 remembrance post

3:15 PM: Closing


The crew

Joseph Georges Gilles Claude Lamontagne



23 years old



Adrien Walter Brown

Flight Sergeant


20 years old



Joseph Adrian Vincent Gauthier

Flight Sergeant

Bom aimer

21 years old



Joseph Roland Arthur Goulet


Radio operator

Age unknown



Marie Joseph Alfred Jean Aumond

Flight Sergeant


Age unknown



« Soudain, nous avons été attaqué par-dessous et derrière… »

2 réflexions sur “Crash Information Wellington BK340

  1. Bonjour, je me suis abonnée à votre blog pour m’informer sur le vécu de mon parrain Laurent Tremblay d’Alma qui faisait parti des Alouettes durant la WW2. Je voudrais vous envoyez une copie de photo que ma grand-mère gardait dans son album photo. Elle présente 3 jeunes hommes près d’un avion. Je ne me rappelle plus des noms . Si vous la voulez vous pouvez me rejoindre au courriel suivant: . Bravo pour votre travail

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